Bacon Bouquet

bacon rose-bacon bouquet-Kenyan blogger-kenyan food blogger

Have you joined Pinterest?? It’s soooo AMAZING you find the coolest stuff there like these beautiful and creative bacon bouquet. HOW COOL IS IT????? I mean don’t you think your man would love to get a bunch? I thought this would be a perfect surprise valentines present for your man/hubby/fiancé or even that guy you’re trying to bag hehehe.

I showed the photo to a few guys and the reaction was all the same I WOULD LOVE THIS. And the best thing about this is that you do not have to limit it to just Valentines. Use it for his birthday, father’s day, X-mas, to say thank you or I love you, or just because you’re trying to bribe him into buying you that pair of overly expensive shoes or even to move into that house/ neighborhood you want to move into or better yet get him to agree with your choice of school for the kids. CLEVER haaa!! Of course you need to add to the bag of goodies if bribing is your intention though, but if you just want to make him smile this will work. Ooh and men this is easy enough for you to make for your woman too. And best thing she will REALLY appreciate the effort that you made to make them so you definitely be getting bonus points.

I got this tutorial from Our Best Bites I followed it bit by bit. I added nothing changed nothing. Don’t think there was anything to add she did such a fantastic job. People have brilliant creative minds don’t they??? Go on over to that site she has amazing craft tutorials.

 Edit 2015: I lost my data when moving from to I have therefore had to get step by step photos from Our Best bites. The 1st and last photos are mine though. 

What you need

  • Bacon, preferably streaky
  • Toothpicks
  • Plastic flowers
  • Baking sheet lined with foil.

So start with a packet of bacon. I used 200gms got about 10 big flowers but I doubled them up so you can get 20.


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Roll a strip of bacon up. You want to have the meaty side of the bacon on the top of the flower and the fatty side at the bottom. I rolled two strip. So I rolled one then the other on top to make a larger flower.

bacon rose-bacon bouquet-Kenyan blogger-kenyan food blogger

Using two toothpick poke through the bottom of the roll (fatty side). Try as much as you can to get very close to the end as possible. This helps the bacon hold shape and also to sit flat on the baking tray.

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Put the bacon on a foiled baking dish. Pop then in the over at 200 Degrees for 25-30 mins but keep checking from 20 minutes depending in your oven

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Then you end up with this beautiful babies.


As they cool, take the cheapest plastic flowers you can get. Make sure the flowers can come off and leave you with a stalk to set your bacon on. Remove the red (flower) parts and remain with the stalks.


Place the bacon on the stalks and voila you are done.



Give them to someone special and see how big the smile on their face will be


How much love and appreciation you will be shown.