Currently Loving 3
It is amazing how fast time flies. We are already done with quarter one of the year. 3 months gone. Into thin air just like that. How far have you gone with what you set out to do this year?
This year has been pretty awesome for me in terms of setting and achieving goals. I decided that this would be the year when I actually do what I say I will do. Or at least try. Failing is ok, failing by not trying is what I decided I shall not do. Kusema na Kutenda (Putting words into action)
When it comes to currently loving I am always so confused wondering what should I pick? there is so much awesomeness in the world, how do you just pick 2 or 3 things?
Anyway here is what I am currently loving.
Now I know you are wondering how did this come up at the top of your list right? Well I have always liked lime but for some reason I always just used lemons. Then the other day I wanted to make some chicken and I used lime and MY LAWD the happiness in my mouth was just too much. Since then I have not missed some in the house. I add the juice to chicken, to pork, to black tea, to smoothies, to sauces. It’s everything I tell you.
A quick recipe for a limeade? make lime juice, add some sugar syrup (sugar and water 1:1, boiled till it become a syrup, cool then use) then top with soda water/ sparkling water. perfect for the heat.
I know, I know, I know I haven’t shared the recipe/ how to guide for this yet but it’s coming within the month. It is the easiest thing though. Boil milk, let it cook till its warm. Put in a tablespoon or two of natural yogurt. Cover with a cloth. Put in a warm dark place eg microwave, your oven, your cupboard. Leave it over night for light drinking yogurt or up to 24 hours for Greek yogurt. Stir, put into a sieve that has a muslin cloth or even table cloth on it. Put the sieve on top of a container. Put in the fridge over night for soft Greek yogurt or up to 24 hours for really thick and creamy yogurt like the photo up there. What is on the sieve is obviously the yogurt. Whatever is in the container is whey. Whey is high in protein. I use it for smoothies.
This is time consuming but cheap and chemical free. Save a spoonful of the yogurt to make the next batch
HOMEMADE PLANT BASED MILKJust like yogurt its easy and much much cheaper to make. if you are trying to loose weight this is a great way to get proteins and vitamins or carbs without the extra calories with animal milk. eg 1 cup of almond milk has 30 calories while cow milk has over 100 calories for the same amount. It doesn’t taste so good to drink, in my opinion, but works well in smoothies. All you do is soak the plant, then blend and sieve. EASY
Hehehe I know you guys think I am mad. Again just rediscovering an old flame. Of late I can spend a whole night just watching different shows on this station. I love the jungle, maybe in another life I am a tour guide. Whats my favourite “The cats of Timbavati”
Happy April Guys!
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