#ILoveMondays: Pelican Lodge, Elementaita



Doesn’t that name just make you feel like going on holiday?  When my brother told me he’d seen a great deal for the New year time on Facebook about this place. I got quite excited about the prospects of sitting by a pool drinking my cocktail as I watch the sunset while facing lake Elementaita

My brother went ahead and contacted them inquiring on pricing and etc. The lodge is quite affordable with a double room costing Ksh. 12,000 ($120) with a Ksh. 1500 ($15) supplement for the festive season so it was to cost us about  Ksh.15,000 for a double on full board per night. Given the season, we felt the deal was really good and we went ahead and booked. After sometime my brother backed out of the plan and I had to do the talking directly with them and that was when my question marks on this place begun. I was dealing with a Lady called Eunice who did not seem to be quite interested in my business. I asked a few questions on 3 occasions when she had to call me back but never did. I had to keep calling back. This happened each time I needed to communicate with them. I would sometimes call the office and not find her. On leaving a message with a request to be called back this would not happen.

About a week to our arrival I changed my booking and added an extra day to my holiday. A few days later when communicating with the same Eunice she asks me to confirm that my booking is 2 nights. After all the mishaps with communication I was not amused with this and very impatiently went ahead to inform Eunice that I had told her a few days before that that I wanted 3 nights and she had confirmed. A few days after that I needed to find out how to pay. I called again and was informed that Eunice was on another call. I asked that she be told to call me back. That was before the 28th of December, I am still waiting for her to return my call.   On the 29thI was called by Julie asking when I was to pay as I was due to arrive on the 30th. I snapped. I asked her  how I was to pay and I had called then the day before and no one had informed me how I was to pay. She then went ahead to confirm that my booking was 2 nights 31st and 1st. I was like TF!!! do I need to send smoke signals to get through to you guy or how do I communicate my booking clearly to you???

Anyway Julie was very nice apologizing profusely for the lack of communication on their end and stated that that would not happen again and she would ensure I get good service and all communication was done up to per from then forward. Unfortunately this did not happen as she was to send me the Mpesa till number but this did not happen and she did not remember to send up till the 30th when she was again calling to find out about payment. LONG story short their communications sacked. I was again told on arrival that my booking was for the 31st and not the 30th!!

The road trip was fantastic. As usual we left late. Doing nothing but walking around the house from room room. We were to leave by 9 we left at 11.30 passed by mums office had some wonderful mukomi then hit the road. What is a road trip on the Nakuru highway without a stop over at view point?


It’s beautiful isn’t it? we stopped took a few selfies and hit the road again. On getting to Elementaita we decided to go see the lake


Our Country is so beautiful. I’m in awe very time I see a beautiful sunrise or even just a beautiful tree *Sigh*

The hotel is nice. We got upgraded to a cottage. It was nice and spacious with a Verendar where we could sit and have a drink as we took in nature hehe

AfricanKayaKenya_KenyanFoodBlogThe stone walls made the room very cool during the day even when the sun was scorching hot outside. The downside to this was that it was freaking cold in the middle of the night. Like winder cold, I love to remove part of my limbs (hands or feet) outside the blankets at night and each time I did it I wanted to scream.


I liked the bathroom, very simple. They provided shower gel, shampoo, bathsoap and a shower cup. There was no toothbrush, tooth paste. The shower was another story. One has to call the reception to ask them to switch on the heater. The first night I requested for this and I think my request was ignored as I was forced to take a rather luke warm/ cold shower in a very cold room. The next day was good though. The shower was very hot and enjoyable.

The food was ok. What you would expect from a 3 star Hotel. Salad selection is what surprised me the most. On the first night all they had was coleslaw salad. The next day they had a coleslaw and carrot salad. The food was nice. They had a beef fillet was was quite nice, and their mash potatoes were amazing too. On the 31st we were going to Naivasha and requested for an early dinner. The hotel staff were very helpful and even with the late request (after 5pm) we were able to have dinner at 6.30 pm. They made the most amazing cabbage and green peppers stir fry (yes I am a Kikuyu I love cabbages). as we left they had a beautiful set up outside for the NYE dinner with a live cooking station



They also have a pool and a jumping castle right next to the pool. It is a nice place to nurse your hang over as you catch a nap or watch the kids swim or play



All in all I had a good time. Once I managed my expectations i was able to enjoy the holiday. I had imagined that this was at least a 4 star hotel but it is a 3 star. Lovely place if you are on a budget. The staff are nice and very friendly, the drinks  are reasonably priced. It is quiete and a good place to relax

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