Mama Cici’s Mbuzi Fry

There is nothing better than my mamas cooking. Well, unless its my mama cooking outside in the wood fired jiko.

Anytime we see mum preparing to cook outside we know its going to be a great night for our taste buds. Mum always makes mbuzi fry and tumbukiza outside and on rare occasions maybe dry fry beef and it’s always such a delight. So yesterday after church I called mum up and told her I was going to see her and I wanted mbuzi for dinner. Mum agreed and she even taught me how to make this simple yet delicious meal. I really hope you will enjoy it and that it will bring you as much laughter and good memories as it was brought to our home. HAPPY COOKING!!

Mama Cici’s Mbuzi Fry

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour

Total Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes

Yield: 4-6 servings


  1. 2 legs of lamb, chopped
  2. 6 large onions, sliced
  3. 3 tablespoons cooking oil
  4. 3 tomatoes
  5. 1 hoho (green capsicum), diced
  6. chillies, optional
  7. 2 bunches dhania (coriander) chopped
  8. 1 cup water
  9. 1/2 kgs potatoes, diced (optional)
  10. salt to taste


Fry 3/4 of the onions with the oil in a large cooking pot till translucent, add the chopped lamb and cook till browned. Add salt and about half the water, stir and cover and let it cook on low heat for about 30 mins.

check on how done the meat is and if you are using potatoes and chillies add them at this point. Let them cook for 10 mins the add the tomatoes sliced halfway and the hoho . If you need more water feel free to add a little. let the tomatoes steam for about 10 mins the removed the skin and stir making sure you fully incorporate them.

Add the dhania and let it cook for a further five mins and take it off the fire. Let it stand for 5 mins then serve with Ugali. Happy Eating!!