Mushroom Fillet Steak and Fries



Two weekends ago I woke up feeling like I could really use some Java food. Well unfortunately being in the bush the closest Java is at least 1000kms away 🙂 . So I decided to try and recreate my favourite Java dish, mushroom fillet steak with spicy fries. I looked around for spicy fries recipe and I was too lazy to try them out as they required a bit more effort and I did not want to deal with the disappointment, just in case they backfired so I stuck with my own “spicy fries”. Truth be told I LOVED IT!! It even smelled like Java in my house for a minute there. HAPPY COOKING!


Mushroom Fillet Steak and Fries

Prep Time: 40 minutes

Cook Time: 12 minutes

Total Time: 55 minutes

Mushroom Fillet Steak and Fries


  1. Ingredients
  2. Fresh pumpkin leaves
  3. Baking soda or magadi
  4. Onions, chopped
  5. Garlic, crushed
  6. Tomatoes, chopped
  7. chillies
  8. Dhania (coriander), chopped
  9. Cream/ milk (sour cream is the best)



Wash the pumpkin leaves then remove the rough part of the stalk by pulling it out all the way into the leaf.

Roughly chop the leaves and the stalk, place them in water, pour some baking soda and boil for about 20-40 mins depending on how old the leaves are. If its young leaves 20minutes is plenty. Once the leaves are soft. Remove and discard the water.

Put the onions in a pot with a little oil. Fry the onions till they are soft, add the garlic and cook for a further 2 mins. Add in the tomatoes, salt, pepper and chillies. Stir well. Reduce the heat and cover the pot. Let the tomatoes cook for about 5 minutes. Add the dhania and mix well.

Once the dhania has cooked for about 1 minute add the boiled pumpkin leaves, mix well and cover. Let this cook for 3-5mins then add the cream/milk. Bring to a boil and serve hot with Ugali or rice.



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