Bread Crumbed Sweet Potatoes
There are things I generally never ate as a child. If you ask me why I never ate them I really wouldn’t have an answer. I just thought that they were gross and generally anything natural or healthy I just did not like. I also had silly things I did not eat like beef!! Now this is a funny story..
When I was a toddler, must have been between 3 and 6, my mum tells me I always made a fuss about beef. I would state with authority that “mimi sikulangi nyama ya ng’ombe nakulanga ya mbuzi pekee” (I do not eat beef I only eat lamb) honestly there was no reason as to why I did not eat nyama ya ng’ombe and I was too young to even know the difference in taste between the two. But I was adamant about it so each time they cooked meat and I was in the kitchen they’d be forced to say “heeee hii nyama ya mbuzi itakuwa tamu” (this goat meat will be very tasty”) and yet they were cooking beef!!!!
My brother Nyaga also went through such a phase when he was around 6 or 7 years old. He was apparently, VERY allergic to the crusts of bread. He would make a big fuss and cry if you did not cut the crust out for him and he was allergic SMH. GOD children are stupid!! So like him and bread crusts I never ate sweet potatoes or enjoyed them till maybe 3 years ago. Now I’m learning new ways of making them like these sweet potato fries and this recipe today.
I do not really have the exact measurements for this as it was such a random make but I bet you will get the drift. I served it with string beans and stir fried chicken breast. Quite healthy I think
- 1 large sweet potato, boiled and sliced width wise
- 1 cup breadcrumbs
- Pepper
- Chilies
- Garam masala
- 1 egg
- Oil for frying, about 3 tablespoons
Mix the bread crumbs with pepper, chillies and garam masala.
Beat the egg.
Dip the sweet potato into the egg then coat with the breadcrumbs,
Place in hot oil and cook till browned then turn.
Kenyan Style Kuku Kienyeji Wet Fry (Road runner chicken)
Kienyeji Chicken (Road Runner Chicken) Wet Fry
We Kenyans like our meat. Fried, stewed, choma (bbq), wet fry dry fry, deep fried any way we like our meat. For some reason the best places to get this meat is the bar. I always wonder why. What is this that the cooks in bar know that we do not. No matter how hard you try and remake the food at home it never works.
Here is another favourite Kienyeji wet fry. For me I think the best one is made by my grandmother. No one makes it better than her. I have tried over and over again to do it like her but I keep failing, ooh well maybe one day I’ll get the right formula. This is a basic kienyeji, not too much spice or complications in it. You can also use it as a base recipe and add many other spices like garam masala, fennel etc. HAPPY COOKING!!
- 1 chicken (road runner/kienyeji)
- 1 -2 large onions, sliced
- 2 tablespoons garlic, crushed
- ½ teaspoon ginger, crushed or grated
- 2 large tomatoes, cut, into half, lengthwise
- 1 tablespoon garam masala
- Large bunch of Dhania, chopped
- 2 chilies,chopped
- Oil for frying, about a tablespoon or less.
Put the onions in a pot and add the oil. Fry till the onions are soft and clear. Add the ginger and garlic. Cook till fragrant and add the chicken. Mix well. Reduce the heat and cover the pot. Let it simmer for about 25 mins.
After the 25 mins add the tomatoes as they are and the chilies. Cover and let simmer for 5 mins, by this time the tomatoes will have “sweated” and you can remove the skin. Once that is done. Mix in tomatoes well and then add the garam masala. Let it cook till the chicken is cooked through adding a little water as needed this should take about 25-35 minutes. Once ready add the Dhania and mix well. Let it cook for 2 mins then add the royco. Simmer for 3 minutes and it’s done. Let the chicken stand for 5 mins then stand.
HAPPY EATING!! (Black Bean) Brownies
So when I first saw this on Pinterest sometime in April the “pinner” called them special brownies, I just had to see what made them so special. When I went over to Tia Tofu I found out what made these brownies so special BLACK BEANS!!!!
Can you imagine that? Baking with Black beans!!!!! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? Plus how do you bake with no flour????? GOSH! Was I shocked or what. I thought it was weird that someone actually sat and discovered that you can bake with beans instead of flour. But…….me being Wangeci I got curious and just had to try it. I wanted to “see” what the brownies tasted like how weird they would taste coz of the beans although the blogger at Tia Tofu had said that you could not taste the beans.
So I first thought that black beans are what we (Kikuyus) call Njahi (black bean with a white strip)
So in my mind as I thought that I would EVENTUALLY get round to baking these I would be using Njahis. When I did a Google search the black beans did not really look like Njahis. So when I went to buy groceries at the City Park Hawkers Market I asked one of the ladies who was selling if they knew what black beans were and she did not seem to know. After consulting a few people one said that there were some “new” beans being sold but they were dry. So I got some.
Well first forward to about a week later and I tried them and boy was I SURPRISED! They actually tasted like brownies. I loved them. I gave them to a few people; two of the people I shared with had no idea that I used beans. The first one liked it, said it tasted great and when I told them it was beans she was QUITE surprised. The second person also did not know it was made of beans and she liked it too but said it was too chocolatey (but they’re brownies so….) again she was quite surprised that it was made of beans. The third person my gal Liz knew I was baking with beans. Her first reaction, I think was, they’re gooooddd….. but they taste funny..aah not funny just different but they are good. So she liked them too.
So verdict…..These will make you great and healthy brownies. I personally love them. HAPPY BAKING!!
- 425gms of black beans, boiled and drained (you can use canned)
- 1 cup oats
- ½ cup cocoa
- ½ teaspoon baking powder
- ½ cup stevia/sweetlow/ or any diabetic sweetener. I used sugar though because I did not have this buts better to use the diabetic sugar to reduce calories and refined sugars.
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 1 ¼ cup of coconut milk
- 3 tablespoons of oil (nothing too string smelling)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- ¼ cup chocolate chips (optional, I did not use)
Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius
Put the black beans, oats, cocoa powder and baking powder in a food processor until its flour like ( there shouldn’t be any bean pieces)
Transfer the mixture into a mixing bowl and add the coconut milk, oil, vanilla and sweetener. Stir in the chocolate chips
If you do not have a food processor like me, put in all the ingredients (save for the chocolate chips and pulse for about a minute at a time. Stopping to give the blender a break. Do this till the mixture is COMPLETELY smooth.
Pour batter into a greased 8×8 pan. Bake for 30 mins
If you want to add some icing try this Peanut Butter Frosting. HAPPY EATING!!