I have always said that I am not a fun of greens. Growing up I only liked cabbages and I later got to enjoy sukuma wiki (Kales) but of late I have a certain fascination of trying new leafy greens that I ordinarily would not have done a few years or even months ago.
Maybe it’s growing up; I’m now a woman of a certain age you know. And I am more open to trying things that I hated as a child.
Or maybe, it’s the influence of hearing people talk about vegetables that they enjoy to eat.
Or maybe, and I think this is it, it’s because I grew some in my kitchen garden. There is a certain satisfaction I get when I walk out of my house and go pick fresh herbs and veggies to cook. I can’t even explain it but I just smile, my heart smiles.
Anyway I digress. My friend Judith told me how to make this dish. She told me to boil the Kunde in Magadi which I think is Bicarbonate of Soda. She, however, stated that traditionally or at home they use a special salt that they make from burning dried maize cobs or dried peel from green cooking bananas or dried bean husks. The ash that comes out from this burning is then put in a container with holes and hot water is put through it. The water that is gotten from this is then used to boil the vegetables. This process softens the Kunde and the ash water helps maintain the green colour.
Since I did not have the time or the means to make the ash, bicarbonate of soda had to suffice. It was quite easy to make this. I had it with ugali and tuna and I really enjoyed it. You can mix Kunde with other leafy greens such as spinach, sukuma wiki, mchicha, terere etc. I chose to make this plain as it was the first time I was eating or even preparing it. How do you like to eat your?
- 2 big bunches of Kunde
- 2 Tomatoes, chopped
- 1 large Onions. chopped
- 1 teaspoon Bicarbonate of soda
- handful of Dhania (Coriander), chopped
- 1 tablespoon Garlic
- ½ teaspoon Ginger Chillies (optional)
- Salt and pepper to taste.
Pluck the leaves from the stalks so that you remain with the leaf ONLY Clean the leaves thoroughly.
Put the kunde in a pot add enough water to cover them completely, add the bicarbonate and boil for at least 10 minutes. Drain and set aside
Put the onions in a pot, fry until soft. Add the ginger and garlic and cook until fragrant then add the tomatoes, salt and pepper.
Cook for about 4 minutes till the tomatoes soften. Add the chillies and dhania and cook for a further two minutes Add the kunde and mix well.
Cook for about 3-4 minutes until warmed through. Serve hot.