Roasted Honey and Ketchup Baby Potatoes
I have always confessed about my love for potatoes. Yes I just had to be a cliche kikuyu girl. I can add them to anything. This recipe is pretty simple. It asks for baby potatoes pretty sure you can use normal sized potatoes too. If you do try please let me know. What I love most about these potatoes is the flavour. Its different. It not your everyday baked potatoes, there is something about them thats just fabulous, tasty and good to your taste buds. HAPPY COOKING!!
- 500 grams baby potatoes
- 1 tablespoon garlic powder
- 2 - 3 tablespoons oil
- 2 tablespoon ketchup (you can also use mustard, Dijon mustard, choma sauce, sweet chilli)
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 1/2 teaspoons cayenne [pepper
- Salt & Pepper
- juice of 1 Lemon
Parboil the baby potatoes with the garlic powder till almost cooked. Pre heat oven to 200C
In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the oil, ketchup, honey, cayenne, lemon juice salt and pepper You can adjust all the quantities of the ingredients to suit your taste,
Add in the baby potatoes and gently stir, making sure they are all coated with the honey ketchup mixture.
Bake for about 20 minutes,turning halfway or until the potatoes are golden brown Potatoes with Bacon and Onions
There things that really remind me of my childhood. You know those days when mum had lots of energy to feed us and make us lots of dishes. This is one of them. She’d make this on special nights once in a while and my brothers and I would eat and eat and EAT. I loved it. I love the taste of the potatoes how they are infused in the flavours of bacon and onions. I made this on Sunday morning for breakfast after years and I really stuffed myself and made it twice that day. I really hope you will love this as much as I do. I hope it will bring lots of love and great memories like it did in our home. It’s a good brinner (breakfast for dinner) option. HAPPY COOKING!!
- Ingredients
- 1 kg potatoes (peeled and cubed)
- 200grams streaky bacon, cut into big chunks (I guess you can use any other bacon I just prefer this one)
- 1 large onion
- Small bunch of Dhania
- 1 tablespoon garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon rosemary leaves
- 1 teaspoon aromat (optional)
- Salt to taste
- Oil for frying
Boil the potatoes in water mixed with the garlic powder, rosemary and salt. Boil till just cooked, when you can pierce with a fork but the potato will not fall apart. Drain the water and set aside
Put the oil in a pan, about 4-5 tablespoons. Once hot put in the potatoes then the bacon and the onions. Mix well. Ensure your pan is big enough to fit all these comfortably the sprinkle with the aromat and cook till the potatoes are browned, bacon is cooked and the onions are translucent. Serve immediately
HAPPY COOKING!! Karai (Panfried Potatoes)
Hi Foodies!!! It’s been a LONG minute, a month to be exact. I have really missed you my dear foodies. I know I kind of abandoned you, I have never left you unattended for this long but life happened, I got too busy with work and stuff but I’m back now and I promise never to leaveyou without fresh ideas for this long again. Hope you still love me 🙂
So this recipe was inspired during my December/ New Year’s holiday in Lamu. During my stay there I’d have breakfast in this local restaurant that served us viazi karai with beef mishikaki (skewered meat) or with mbaazi (pigeon peas cooked in coconut milk) and it was DELICIOUS.
I had never had viazi karai before that and I just had to come home and try them. I asked them how they made them and they gave me the basic ingredients I added a few extras and this is what I ended up with. its pretty easy, sort of like making bhajias just that you use normal flour, mix it up with some spice and end up with a batter. dip the potatoes then shallow fry. How easy is that?? and the best part…you most probably have all the ingredients in your pantry already, so no need to rush to the supermarket.
It’s a delicious snack or part of a main meal. Hope you will love it as much as I did. HAPPY COOKING!!
- 10 medium sized potatoes, cut into circular shapes
- 2 teaspoons garlic powder
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- 1 cup of water
- small bunch of dhania (Coriander)
- chillies (As desired)
- pinch of tumeric.
- salt and pepper to taste
- oil for frying.
Put some water in a pot and add the garlic powder, boil potatoes till tender. Take care not to over cook.
Mix flour, dhania, chillies, turmeric, salt and pepper then add the water a little at a time to make a thick paste.
Dip potatoes in the batter and fry in hot oil till golden. Serve with Kachumbari or roast meat.