I got my period when I was on holiday

When I was younger I would always calculate my holiday around the time when i had no period. For me, periods were a bit of an inconvenience if I was on holiday. Fast forward, 10+ years later I’m on holiday and I’m praying for my period to come.
You see, I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) in 2016. In all the 4 years that I’ve known I’ve had PCOS, I’ve never struggled with a late period. I’ve always had regular periods that came every 28-32 days.
That all changed a couple of months ago when my period came after 35 days and then the next cycle 40 days then the next 45 days.
For somebody who was struggling to conceive that was just a killer.
After 2 (45 day) cycles, I decided to stop the medication that the gynae had given me and try seed cycling(google that) and it seemed to work for me even though I did not do it religiously.
Because I then got my period back to a regular cycle of 32 days. So seeing my period during my holiday time in Mombasa after a 32 day cycle I could not have been more excited. I just hope that in the coming months I will have a regular period.
Have you heard of PCOS?
Do you have PCOS or irregular periods?
What’s been your journey?
Please follow @waitingwombsteust
and @pcosfoundationkenya for more information
Remember you’re doing great mama!
❤Mama Muthoni
( • ) ( • ) your breastie
#MamaMuthoni #mothership #certified #lactationcounselor #childnutritionpractitioner #childnutrition #lactationspecialistkenya #breastfeedingKenya #infantnutrition #breastfeeding #pumping #exclusivepumping

Heal your inner child

“If something someone does causes suffering ( emotionally) within you. It’s YOUR trigger.” – April Adam’s
When your child’s behaviour triggers you, it’s a sign that you need to heal your inner child before becoming healed adult/ parent.
I have fear of wounding my children. That triggers me, imagining them as adults suffering from the same traumas I’m trying to heal.
Have you figured out your traumas? Or your wounds?
If you have or you haven’t,
Remember you’re doing great mama!
❤Mama Muthoni
( • ) ( • ) your breastie
#MamaMuthoni #mothership #certified #lactationcounselor #childnutritionpractitioner #childnutrition #lactationspecialistkenya #breastfeedingKenya #infantnutrition #breastfeeding #pumping #exclusivepumping,

Today I was supposed to have a baby

“Today I was supposed to have a baby.
Our 3rd pregnancy left me with another due date coming & going with no baby.
I have a million different emotions today.
Sad. Angry. Confused. Annoyed. Empty. Guarded.
That was the pregnancy that lasted 13 weeks, but it was never viable. It included so many doctors appointments, ultrasounds weekly, slow rising Beta HCG’s, a hospital admission, 2 separate rounds of Methotrexate (chemotherapy drug), to medically terminate what turned into an ectopic pregnancy of unknown location. End result, emergency surgery on July 31st to remove the still growing fetus & my right Fallopian tube, where he/she was all along to save my life.
That pregnancy started out as somewhat hopeful (but always guarding my heart), and quickly turned into a nightmare and a hellish 2 months that has left a road of PTSD.
So here I am, sitting here, a 3rd due date, and no baby here or soon to be here.” -@bringonbabybaganha
Yesterday was Bereaved Mother’s Day, and we’re sending love to every mother who holds a child in their heart instead of their arms. 💖
Repost @theinfertilitytribe