#ILoveMondays: Charlies Bistro

Charlies Bistro Nairobi-What to eat in nairobi-Restaurants in Langata- Restaurants in Upperhill-Restaurants on mbagathi way-Kenyan food blogger- top Kenyan blogger

One of the things I decided to do towards the end of last year was eat out more. I am a foodie, love my food but I find that I get dissapointed quite often that I generally just end up cooking most times as I feel it is a better use of my time and money. But a few months ago I decided to try out new places and I have been pleasantly surprised. I have found some places that are quite nice and others just ok.

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Florida International Hotel, Restaurant- Deira Dubai

Florida international hotel-horida hotel-food in dubai- dubai food- where to eat in dubai-where to eat in deria- african kaya- top kenyan food blogger-Top kenyan blogger- indian food in deira- curry in deria

The thing I love most about travelling is getting to eat. Honestly if I was told I could travel the world but only have to eat my everyday food. I would probably just pass on the opportunity. I go to Dubai often and I always love to eat at Florida

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I Love Mondays: Tapas Ceviche

Tapas Ceviche Nairobi-Food blogger-Kenyan top blogger-Kenyan food blogger- African Food bloggerTapas Ceviche Nairobi-Food blogger-Kenyan top blogger-Kenyan food blogger- African Food blogger

One thing I love about the Nairobi restaurant scene is how much it has grown in the last few years. Kenyans do not really have an eating out culture and when we do, we go out for Nyama choma (barbecued meat) and beers despite having lots of restaurants  with lots of different cuisines. However in those few years Kenyans have gotten curious about food and are now going out to try all these different cuisines and I like it.

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